Conker's diary

Monday, August 02, 2004

Foiled again

Just yesterday I was lounging around on the stairs when Das Peanutten came home with a mouse in her beak. It was all pretty exciting and for a few brief joyous moments I thought I was going to add to my weekend haul, thus far totalling one ickle bird. But no, for at that exact point furrycat and furrykitten fluffed in from the beach, exclaimed horror, and lifted Das Peanutten until she dropped the ickle mouse and it ran into the larder. At this point they locked me upstairs, the fickos, but Das Penutten later told me that when they opened the larder door they found two ickle mice e.g. a whole extra mouse that had probably eluded me at some earlier date. Unfortunately furrykitten caught them both and took them outside, giving them a whole 30 minutes head start on us.

On the plus side I got quite a lot of fluffing in this weekend and furrycat and furrykitten fluffed my fur and told me I was a good boy. They also said something about sending my fur down to Texas, but god only knows what they were on, they talk a lot of nonsense.


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